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Raising Children of Destiny! (5) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo Author: Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Author: Pastor Faith Oyedepo
Topic: Raising Children of Destiny! (5)

Dear Reader,

Shalom!  Without hesitation, it has been a most knowledge-filled month for you. Last week, I highlighted three root causes to the problems of wayward children.

In concluding this teaching, I want to unveil to you Possible Solutions to these root causes!  It is noted that every problem has a solution, and every question has an answer.  Consequently, as overwhelming as the foregoing problems of children may be, they are not without solutions from the Word of God.

David was one man who knew the meaning of the word ‘rejection’.  He was the least loved of his brothers.  In actual fact, he was forgotten when a king was to be anointed in Israel by Samuel.

But in all, David encouraged himself with a secret found in Psalms 27:10, which says: When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. That is, the more he was rejected by men, the closer he got to God. Isn’t that amazing!

Thus, the best way to deal with rejection, following David’s precept, is a strong relationship with God. As a parent to be envied, your primary objective must be to assist your children out of whatever challenge of rejection they may be facing, into a strong relationship with God, because only Him can give them accurate relieve.

I can perceive you soliciting, “How do I get my child into a personal relationship with God?”  Very simple!

Firstly, this is achievable by prayer, coupled with fasting.  God’s Word says: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Pray for that child, by loosing every hold of satan on his/her life, binding every spirit of rejection, depression or rebellion, and casting them out of your child’s life.

Novel Hayes, a remarkable man of God, relates how his daughter was obsessed by the spirit of drug addiction and rebellion. This daughter of his had done all manner of outrageous things that has brought ache to his heart and humiliation to his ministry. Yet, he would not give up praying intensely for her.

I quickly want to state here that the altar of prayer is the altar of possibilities (John 10:10, Matthew 7:7, 18:19).

God delivered Novel Hayes’ daughter in a very dramatic way.  One day, as she slept, a huge man appeared in her room; he was twice the size of an average man.  He said nothing, did nothing, just sat on her bed. Then he stood up and left her room. As he walked down the hallway, the curious youngster followed him. But, she was startled when he turned and walked through the wall.

It was then that it occurred to her that this was no ordinary man, but an angel.  That encounter ended her years of rebellion.

It is noteworthy that the most effectual category of prayer is a prayer that is fastened on the Word of God.  Isaiah 49:25 is one of such scripture!

Secondly, you can get your child into a personal relationship with God by pleading the Blood of Jesus and using the name of Jesus to pull down any satanic iron grip on the child’s life (Philippians 2:10).  Remember, the Blood is the last card!

The Blood and Name of Jesus are to be used in faith, otherwise, they may not produce the desired result.  Say “No” to doubt, and you will send that mountain out of the life of your child forever. In addition, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, parents, it is advisable to create a conducive environment for your children to grow up in, by ensuring that your relationship with your spouse is also in order, with no quarrelling, bitterness or antagonism in your home.

That way, you will cause those children to grow up into responsible adults in the society, and a blessing to the body of Christ.

It takes accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour to be able to raise your children in God’s way, to become children of destiny. If you want to be born again, say this prayer: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the living God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

If you prayed this simple prayer, you are now a child of God. He loves you and will never leave you. Read your Bible daily, obey God’s Word and seek Christian fellowship (John 14:21).

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name. Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through contact@faithoyedepo.org; OR 07026385437 and 08141320204.

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