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#RCCGFast: Day 28 Prayer Points Of RCCG 40 Days Prayer & Fasting

1. Intense praise and worship
2. Father give us the grace to please you in all that we do in this year 2017
3. Father give us the grace to wake up and win souls, attend House Fellowships, Digging deep , Sunday Services and other church programs regularly in this year, 2017
4. Father, help us to be faithful in honouring you with our first fruit, giving our tithes and offering regularly throughout this New Year 2017
5. Father arise, and show yourself mighty on our behalf and on the behalf of our , parishes and family members
6. Father arise and help me to stir up the giant in me
7. Father help me to recover all the lost grounds in this New Year 2017
8. Father help me to forever be relevant and never become a man of yesterday. 1Sam 16:1
9. Father have mercy on me and reverse every irreversible in my life this year. Ezek. 37:1-12
10. Father, you are the help of the helpless, help us to be united and help RCCG to forever be relevant

11. Let us pray that God will favour our overage spinsters and brothers with peaceful marriages this year. IJN. Eccl.9:11.
12. Let us pray that God will uproot every tree of terminal illness and sickness in every family. Matt. 15:13.
13. Let us ask God to open the eyes of couples to His Word for every unnecessary crisis to come to an end. Eph. 5:20-33; 1Pet. 3:1-13.
14. Let us give all the glory to God for the reality of the power of resurrection. Matt. 28:1-4.
15. Let us thank God for using let’s Go A Fishing program to populate His kingdom. Acts. 2:37-47.

16. Pray for more strength for Daddy G O and all the Pastors, Ministers and workers, that God will use them mightily this 2017 Easter lets go a fishing. Deut.33:25; Josh.14:11; 1Chron.29:12; Josh. 14:9.
17. Let us pray for divine visitation during this 2017 Easter lets go a fishing all over the world. Ps.111:9; Ps.113:9-10; Gen.49:25.
18. Let us pray for the purpose of God to be established in the life of God’s children in this program.Eccl.8:6; Rom.9:1; Eph.1:11.
19. Let us ask God to deliver every captive of the mighty.Isa.49:24-26.
20. Let us pray for full restoration in this Easter programPs.126:1-6.

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