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DCLM Daily Manna December 1, 2016 by Pastor Kumuyi – Certainty of Reward

Topic: Certainty of Reward [December 1, 2016]

Text: Revelation 22:10-21

Key Verse: "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be"(Revelation 22:12).

A good done to others is an investment that will surely ripen at the fullness of time. Our walk and relationship with God executed conscientiously and in holiness are to enable us pass through the golden path into the glory of heaven. The Lord's promise of rewarding those who endure till the end is not a fascinating yarn; it is a reality waiting to happen.

God did not hide His programme for the end-time from man. The order is given to have the book of the prophesy open, to be perused by all that they might understand it. God deals freely and openly with all. He does not speak in secret but reveals His plan to judge every man according to their works whether it is good or bad. Those who do the commandments of the Lord will have right to the tree of life through the gates into the city. On the other hand, the generality of sinners-dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters and all liars - will be banished from entering into the presence of God. They will have their part in the lake of fire. Jesus assured His followers that it will not take long before He will come again to them (Revelation 22:20).

We do not know the day or hour but He is coming soon and He will come unexpectedly. Although this is good news to those who trust him, it is at once, a terrible message for those who have rejected Him and refused to be born again. Even then, grace is still available for all believers to help them overcome all ungodliness and bring them to Christ for a victorious well-pleasing life. Never relent in walking closely with God in righteousness. Someday soon, you will be walking the streets of gold up there.

Thought for the day: It is wise to work towards getting a commendable reward.

Bible Reading in one Year: Daniel 9-10

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

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