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DCLM Daily Manna December 15, 2016 by Pastor Kumuyi – Second Chance

Topic: Second Chance [December 15, 2016]

Text: Deuteronomy 10:1-11

Key Verse: "At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood. And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark"(Deuteronomy 10:1,2).

In today's text, Moses recounts what transpired in the book of Exodus, when he was called up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. The tablet containing the first Ten Commandment had been broken by Moses in anger in reaction to the habitual sinfulness of the children of Israel. They had been led into sin by Aaron as they waited for Moses' return from the mount where he had gone to receive the law.

God threatened to wipe off the race (Deuteronomy 9:14), but Moses intervened and interceded on their behalf; hence, the need for a new tablet containing a replica of what had been broken before. At this time, a new generation of the children of Israel had emerged who never knew what transpired in time past. So, Moses thought it necessary to recount that aspect of history to emphasize the steadfast love of God to Israel. God is merciful and always ready to forgive sins no matter low grievous. This is evident in the repeated forgiveness which the "stiff-necked" Israel enjoyed in time past.

The almighty God is still in the business of forgiving sins. Many people today have broken God's heart, so much that He may have determined to blot out their names from His Book. There are still men whom God has saddled with the task of standing in the gap for sinners. However, He is still willing and waiting for sinners and backsliders to return to Him in penitence. You may have relapsed into rebellion, God is calling you to come back home. Even the Prodigal son had a second chance so long as he took the right step. Today, sinners and backsliders do not need to go up to any mountain to receive another tablet of laws; the law is now written in the heart of everyone. What is needed is a simple talk with God, through Jesus Christ, for total pardon and reconciliation.

Thought for the day: Every effort is compensated with corresponding success if you do not quit.

Bible Reading in one Year: Nahum 1-3

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