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Day 6 Prayer Points Of RCCG 40 Days Prayer & Fasting

Day 6 of 40 Days of Fasting an Prayers  [Monday January 16, 2017]
Seeking God With My Spirit, Soul & Body. 

Psalm 63:1 (AMP) O God, You are my God; with deepest longing I will seek You; My soul my life, my very self thirsts for You, my flesh longs and sighs for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
1.  Bless the Lord oh my soul, forget not His benefits, I give God praise for His faithfulness and His loving Kindness towards me. Father thank you for redemption which transform to my new birth that began in my spirit, and carried through my soul, and is finally visible to all through a demonstration of God’s glory in my physical life, I am grateful.
2. Father in the name of Jesus, as I seek you in 2017, let your word sanctify me, let the word cleanse me and separate me from profane things, let the word make me pure and wholly consecrated to God. Father let my spirit, soul and body be preserved sound and complete, and found blameless even as we await the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. Father in the name of Jesus, stir me up in my spirit to understand and to know that faith without obedient actions to back it up is destitute of power , inoperative and unfruitful, Father increase my faith and grant me grace to let go of lifestyles that could make my faith ineffective and frustrating.
4. Father in the name of Jesus, arise and help our youths in RCCG , let the giant in our youths manifest , help our youths to have faith like Abraham, who when he was put to test , he pleased God without looking back. By the help of the Holy Spirit, our youths will not fail God.
5.Father in the name of Jesus, uphold and preserve our General overseer , Pastor E A Adeboye and Pastor Mrs  Folu Adeboye, and our Pastor , Pastor Idowu Iluyomade & Pastor Siju Iluyomade, they will not labour in vain, Father let them rejoice over all our youths and let their investment over the youths result to pleasant surprises in Jesus name

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